
Banks repurchase significant amount of bonds before maturity
MarketCommercial banks have spent trillions of Vietnam dong to buy back bonds before maturity in the last months of this year.

Anonymous foreign investor buys entire batch of Phu My Hung bonds
InvestmentPhu My Hung Development Corporation has mobilised VND800 billion ($34.78 million) for real estate projects from a "secret" foreign investor through bond sales.

Draft rules on property firms’ international bond issuance contested
PolicyThe National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee has expressed concern over regulations in the draft revised Securities Law allowing local real estate companies to issue bonds on the international market.

Real estate bonds attract lowest investor interest
InvestmentSeven percent of real estate bonds issued in the first eight months of the year were bought, the lowest ratio among all sectors.

Real estate firms issue bonds to raise capital
InvestmentAs the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has ordered tight control over real estate loans by credit institutions, property firms and developers have to seek alternative ways to raise their capital, and many of them have decided to issue bonds to fund their business.

Property firms opt for bonds as bank loans dry up
InvestmentLast month, property developer Vingroup unveiled plans to sell 20 million non-convertible bonds at VND100,000 (US$4.39) each in two phases without any covered warrants or guaranteed assets.