Shinhan bank

Part 2: South Korean 4th investment wave into the financial sector is heating up Vietnam’s mortgage

Part 2: South Korean 4th investment wave into the financial sector is heating up Vietnam’s mortgage


Since the first time Daewoo printed its footstep in Hanoi in December 1991, Vietnam has welcomed three waves of investment from South Korea: construction firms in 1992, garment & electronics companies in the 2000’s, and retailers in the 2010’s. This time, a new round of capital is rallying behind the financial sector and adding tension to the crowded mortgage market.

Korean investors bankroll Haiphong real estate development

Korean investors bankroll Haiphong real estate development


TheLEADER - A consortium of three South Korean investors including Shinhan Bank, CoreTrend Investment and ValueSystem will provide Hoang Huy $50 million to develop real estate projects in the northern port city of Haiphong.

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